Our duty of care
In the course of providing our services, we continuously deal with information pertaining to our clients, partners and solution providers, some of which may be commercially sensitive, embargoed or confidential. Our reputation and credibility is measured by how circumspect we are with the information entrusted to us, and we take our position of trust very seriously.
What you share with us
In our dealings with you, we are likely to be discussing confidential or sensitive information pertaining to you and your business. This may include usernames, passwords, marketing and commercial strategies, product sources, pricing and suppliers, intellectual property, trade secrets, know-how and other related information and processes. We understand that what you know and what you do may be part of your competitive advantage and is therefore commercially sensitive.
Any such information reasonably deemed to be confidential or sensitive, or anything you explicitly tell us is confidential will be kept confidential, and will not be shared with anybody unless we have first obtained your written consent. It goes without saying that we will need to share information with our own staff and contractors in order to deliver our services competently to you. Rest assured, they are all committed to the ZELLIS Assurance Guarantee too.
Depending on the scope of our engagement, we may need to interact on your behalf with third party solution and service providers such as platforms and marketplaces, or to obtain information from them about the suitability of their offerings for you. Where this happens, we will only share non-confidential information about your business unless you have given us consent otherwise.
Needless to say, if anybody outside your business requests information about you or your business, unless it is required by law, we will not provide it. If we receive such a request, we will notify you. If you want us to deal with somebody else about your business affairs, you will need to provide us with explicit written authorisation to do so, along with any terms, conditions and limitations on what we can and cannot share with them.
What we share with you
We may also be sharing sensitive or confidential information with you pertaining to business practices, strategies, know-how, competitive tactics, third party solutions and resources. You are free to tell others that you are working with ZELLIS, but are not permitted to share the tips, guidance and recommendations we offer without our prior written consent. Our guidance and recommendations are not generic, but are deliberately considered and tailored specific to your business needs and aspirations, and therefore are unlikely to be valid for other businesses.
What we say about each other
We value our clients and the confidence they place in us to help improve their business affairs, and we hope you value our input to your business in the same way. We promise never to say anything disparaging about you or your business, and expect the same professionalism in return.
If you have any questions or concerns about the way your confidential information is managed by us, please speak up so we can address it promptly to your satisfaction.
Playing fair
You will appreciate that we also have a duty of care to our partners and may be required by law to disclose abuse of our partner’s services where we discover it whilst working with you, especially unauthorised or unlicensed use of third-party data. It is a mandatory condition of working with us that you are in compliance with applicable laws, regulations and policies that pertain to your business including data and technology providers, systems and marketplaces.
Quotes and estimates
All quotes and estimates expire 30 days after issue, reflecting the continuously changing cost of doing business. Web design projects for which the deposit is not paid within 30 days of the scoping documentation being delivered will be subject to review and are likely to increase in price.
A minimum charge of $300 applies to any task, no matter how small. That barely covers the time and effort required to investigate, understand, execute, test and communicate back and forth with you, and the time of everybody in our business who is necessarily involved in those processes. The more you commission in a single project, the more cost-efficiently we can deliver it, and the better value you will receive.
Estimates are precisely that – our best guess based on past experience of similar tasks. Where possible, we prefer to give you a fixed quote, but the nature of some tasks is such that we cannot confidently anticipate the exact time it will take, and therefore the final price may end up higher or lower.
Integration and shipping configurations are hourly rate tasks. Based on the requirements and information we’re provided with, we will provide an estimate of hours to complete the task, however the hourly rate will be applied to all time required to assess and complete the task including reviewing rates and carrier terms, reformatting provided rates and surcharges, uploading rates, setting and modifying cpanel shipping configurations, troubleshooting and investigating issues, communication with you, the platform provider and your shipping carriers via email or phone, plus any calls, meetings and training sessions with you.
Right to decline service
We may respectfully decline service or delivery of solutions to you where we believe they are not appropriate for your business or where we are not confident we can deliver what you require. We also reserve the right to decline service where our staff are treated with disrespect.
Conflicting tasks
To avoid divergence or breakage of your webstore design, layout, styling and functionality, version control is mission critical for all projects and tasks. That means only one developer can be making changes to your webstore at any time. Therefore when you commission us to undertake some work on your webstore, you warrant that nobody else will be making changes until we have completed the work you requested of us. Where is is discovered that someone other than us has been making changes whilst we have been doing what you asked us to, and until those changes have been published live, you acknowledge and accept full responsibility for any issues arising therefrom, and release us from any liability or obligation to redo or modify work already completed.
If in doubt, please ask because this is really important and can end up costing you a lot more than the original task did.
You’re covered
All ZELLIS web design projects, webstore tweaks, customisations, integrations and shipping configurations come with a 30 day assurance period upon completion during which time any errors, omissions or malfunctions will be rectified at no extra charge. Beyond this time, all requests will be regarded a new task. This is due to the constantly changing nature of the platforms, systems, source data, processes and policies upon which our work is built. Where you have made changes to your webstore coding, layout, functionality, integrations, data feeds or shipping matrix after we’ve completed what you commissioned us to do, the assurance period is invalidated and no longer applies. This reflects the fact that we don’t control what you do to your webstore, whether changes have been done by yourself or other agencies, developers, staff or contractors.
Thanks for trusting ZELLIS. It means a lot to us.